
What does ‘Bare Root’ mean?

To ‘bare root’ a plant is to dig up the plant during its winter dormancy and remove or ‘bare’ the roots of all soil. The roots are kept moist and protected. At no point during this process are the roots allowed to dry out as it can cause damage to the plant. In this form, they can be shipped many kilometres across the country without issue. This also means that they can be sold cheaper than the average potted rose or tree, making winter the best time to buy deciduous plants.

There are a few key points to know about bare rooted plants…

The roots must never dry out. Dried roots are dying roots and can cause future damage or death to your plant.

Bare rooted plants won’t need fertilising when first planted. They are in their dormant state and therefore don’t require fertiliser until the spring. Trees, shrubs and roses require different fertilisers at different times so it’s best to check the individual needs of your plant.

Methods of planting bare root

Here at Hello Hello we sell many different varieties of bare rooted plants, each one requiring a different method of care and planting. Listed below are instructions on how to plant your new bare root plants!

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